Dialog GSM has been deceiving the public

Dialog GSM (biggest telecom provider in Sri Lanka) has been deceiving the public about their Family package tarrifs. Their marketing material, customer service representatives and the web site states there is a commitment of Rs. 250 (Local call charges) per supplementary connection and no commitment for the primary connection. Until February it was the case, but from March they started to have a commitment for the primary connection as well. I made a complaint to Dialog and initial response was prompt but there after one person from the billing department agreed that there was a mistake and 2 weeks later another person called up and said it was correct and the marketing material was wrong. Just to clarify I contacted the customer service department to clarify things viola, their intial response was that there is no commitment for the primary package but when I insisted that it may be wrong and many minutes of waiting they got back to me saying there is a group commitment of  Rs. 250.

If you have a Dialog Family package please go through your bills for February and March (April if you have already got it) 2009 and you will see the difference. Please post a comment if you are affected and even if you are not affected leave a comment then we might be able to find a pattern 🙂 . It might not affect you if your primary connection makes more than Rs. 250 worth of local calls, not the case with me.

If you want to see my bills please leave a comment, it’s 8 pages, little too much to post in a blog.

I believe this is clearly deceiving the public. Shame on you Dialog GSM.

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5 thoughts on “Dialog GSM has been deceiving the public”

  1. Hey Moha,
    Lets see ur bill. it will be the proof for others.
    Dialog has been doing these kinds of stuff for long. lots of hidden charges. they actually advertise the basic charges on their advertisements and below it in micro-mini letters say dat “terms and conditions apply” or “VAT 25%”. or dont even mention at all……………………………..
    nyways im not using dialog so cant confirm abt this latest trick of theirs

    anyways thanks for informing.

  2. Im using the supplementary package & i checked the primary bill but theres nothing as u say?? its betta if you can show da bill to all of us!!

  3. Yes, 100 percent true. There are lots of hidden charges. Last night I downloaded some ring-in tones. Later I got to know through an sms which was received in the following morning that the charges are not exactly the same as it read before the activation. No exaggeration and I am not referring to taxes either. Further I got one of my old connections disconnected and no outstanding in the account but carrying a small credit balance (in my favour) But the company has still not refunded my deposit placed at the time of buying the connection.

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