How to migrate from WP-Invoice to Web Invoice?

Web Invoice and WP-Invoice are two WordPress plugins that allow sending invoices and bills. Web Invoice is a fork of WP-Invoice with lot of new features that most people will want. In the current release (1.6.2) they are:

  • Send invoice reminders to customers with a secured link back to the
    web invoice
  • Moneybookers, AlertPay or PayPal available if you don’t have a
    credit card processing account
  • Setup recurring billing using’s ARB (Automatic Recurring Billing) feature or Moneybookers
  • Automatically mark invoices paid via Moneybookers as paid (Requires
    merchant status)
  • Automatically mark invoices paid via AlertPay as paid (Requires
    business status)
  • Split gateway support (Your client is given the option of choosing the preferred gateway from the list of gateways you support). e.g PayPal and Moneybookers
  • All user interfaces are internationalized

If you are already using WP-Invoice and would like to leverage these new features, it’s simple. Follow the 3 step process to switch from WP-Invoice to Web Invoice.

  1. Rename the tables invoice_log to web_invoice_log, invoice_main to web_invoice_main, invoice_meta to web_invoice_meta. (Assuming $table_prefix is empty)
  2. Download Web Invoice WordPress plugin and upload it to your server
  3. Activate Web Invoice

That’s all, you can use Web Invoice without losing that you generated with WP-Invoice.

SyntaxHighlighter2 WordPress plugin released

SyntaxHighlighter2 WordPress plugin was released yesterday on WordPress Extend plugin repository. SyntaxHighlighter2 allows you to easily post syntax highlighted code all without loosing it’s formatting or making an manual changes. Main addition is upgrade to SyntaxHighlighter JavaScript 2.0 by Alex Gorbatchev. Also in this release the web master/blogger is given the ability to choose from 6 themes for the SyntaxHighlighter.

If you already using SyntaxHighlighter WordPress plugin and using XHTML, you should upgrade to SyntaxHighlighter2 because SyntaxHighlighter uses invalid XHTML. Bellow you will find the sample WordPress configuration file with SyntaxHighlighter2 🙂 .

[sourcecode language=’php’ ]

WordPress object cache with memcached backend for vanilla WordPress

WordPress object cache with memcached backend is mainly meant for WPMU and doesn’t work well if you happened to have many vanilla WordPress installations using the same memcached backend like it is pointed out here and here.

I have created a simple patch which you can apply against object-cache.php (downloadable from WordPress plugin repository) or here is the file already patched. The patch prepends the $blog_id to the object key. You will have to specify global variable $blog_id in wp-config.php and give it a unique id (like your blog url).
[sourcecode language=’php’]global $blog_id;
$blog_id = ‘mohanjith_net’;[/sourcecode]